MAT 333 Abstract Algebra, Section 01, CRN 41659, Fall 2016
Class meets MW 4:00 pm- 5:15 pm
in SBS B209.
Instructor: Serban Raianu, office: NSM E-108,
office phone number: (310) 243-3139,
e-mail address:,
office hours: Monday, Wednesday: 12:20 PM - 12:50 PM, 5:25
PM - 5:55 PM, Friday: in the Toro Learning Center LIB C121: 10:30 AM - 11:30
AM, in my office NSM E-108: 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM, or by appointment.
Description: MAT
333, Abstract Algebra, covers sets, groups, rings, polynomial rings, fields.
Text: It will be posted on Blackboard.
Objectives: After completing MAT 333 the
student should be able to: state definitions of basic concepts (e.g.,
congruence, groups, rings, integral domains, fields, subrings, homomorphisms, ideals); understand and use the Euclidean
algorithm; understand and use modular arithmetic; state major theorems (e.g.,
the division algorithm, the unique factorization theorem, the remainder
theorem, the factor theorem, the isomorphism theorems) and be able to identify
the structures to which each theorem applies (e.g. the integers, integral
domains, polynomial rings F[x] where F is a field, groups, etc.) ; find
examples of objects that satisfy given algebraic properties (a noncommutative
ring, a commutative ring but not an integral domain, etc)
Prerequisites: MAT 271 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or
Grades: Grades will be based on three in‑class
full‑period examinations (60% total), a comprehensive final examination
(25%), and quizzes, homework, and other assignments (15%) for the remainder.
The exact grading system for your section is the following: each of the three
full-period exams will be graded on a 100 scale, then the sum of the
scores is divided by 5 and denoted by E. Homework is due every Monday, and each
homework is worth 5 points. No late homework will be accepted. The average of
all homework scores is denoted by H.
5 to 10 minutes quizzes will be given in principle every
Monday, with the exception of the review and exam days, and will be graded on a
scale from 1 to 5. The average of the quizzes scores is denoted by Q. There are
also 5 points awarded for attendance and class participation, this portion of
the grade is denoted by A. The final exam will be graded out of a maximum
possible 200, then the score will be divided by 8 and denoted by F.
To determine your final grade compute E+H+Q+A+F. The maximum is 100,
and the grade will be given by the rule:
A: 93‑100; A‑: 90‑92; B+: 87‑89; B: 83‑86; B‑: 80‑82
C+: 77‑79; C: 73‑76; C‑: 70‑72; D: 60‑69; F: Less than 60.
Makeups: No makeup examinations or
quizzes will be given. If you must miss an examination for a legitimate reason,
discuss this, in advance, with me, and I may then substitute the relevant score
from your final examination for the missing grade.
for Students with Disabilities: Cal State Dominguez Hills adheres to all applicable federal,
state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing
reasonable accommodations for students with temporary and permanent
disabilities. If you have a disability that may adversely affect your work in
this class, I encourage you to register with Disabled Student Services (DSS)
and to talk with me about how I can best help you. All disclosures of
disabilities will be kept strictly confidential. Please note: no accommodation
may be made until you register with the DSS in WH B250. For information call (310)
243-3660 or to use telecommunications Device for the Deaf, call (310) 243-2028.
Academic Integrity: The mathematics department does
not tolerate cheating. Students who have questions or concerns about academic
integrity should ask their professors or the counselors in the Student
Development Office, or refer to the University Catalog for more information.
(Look in the index under "academic integrity".)
Exam rules: Students must leave their CSUDH
student ID on their desk for the duration of the exam. Cell phones, iPhones,
iPods, or PDAs of any kind, as well as headphones, may not be used at all
during a test. Students are discouraged from leaving the exam room during the
period of the exam. Restroom breaks must be kept under five minutes and are
limited to one/exam. You will be penalized 5 points if you are gone more than
five minutes. No more than one student
can be out of the room at any given time during an exam. If a student finds it
necessary to leave the room under these circumstances, they are not permitted
to access computer terminals, smoke, read notes/books, or talk with others. If
a student is found engaging in this behavior, appropriate disciplinary action
will be taken. Whenever a student leaves
the room, they must turn their exam upside down on their desk. All book bags or
similar items will be deposited in the front of the class for the duration of
the test.
homework assignments
M 8/22:
W 8/24: 1.1.13,1.1.15,1.1.16,1.1.17
M 8/29: 1.2.3,1.2.4,1.2.6,1.2.9,1.2.12
W 8/31: 1.2.14,1.2.16,1.2.17,1.2.18,1.2.26
M 9/5: Labor
Day Holiday
W 9/7: 1.3.3,1.3.9,1.3.12,1.3.19
M 9/12:
W 9/14:
M 9/19: Review
W 9/21: Exam I
M 9/26:
W 9/28:
M 10/3: 1.6.2,1.6.4
W 10/5: 1.6.16,1.6.17
M 10/10: 1.7.3,1.7.7,1.7.8,1.7.10,1.7.11,1.7,12
W 10/12: 1.7.14,1.7.19,1.7.20,1.7.21
M 10/17:
W 10/19: Exam II
M 10/24: 2.1.2,2.1.6,2.1.7,2.1.8,2.1.13
W 10/26: 2.2.2,2.2.3,2.2.5,2.2.6
M 10/31: 2.2.7,2.2.8,2.2.10,2.2.12,2.2.14
W 11/2: 2.3.4,2.3.6,2.3.8,2.3.10,2.3.11
M 11/7: 2.3.13,2.3.14,2.3.15,2.3.16
W 11/9: 2.4.2,2.4.3,2.4.5,2.4.8,2.4.10
M 11/14: Review
W 11/16: Exam III
M 11/21: 2.4.12,2.4.15,2.4.16,2.4.17
W 11/23: 2.5.2,2.5.10,2.5.11,2.5,12
M 11/28: 2.6.3,2.6.6,2.6.7,2.6.9
W 11/30: 2.6.10,2.6.11,2.6.12,2.6.15
M 12/5: Review
Final examination: Monday, December 12, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
Important dates
August 20-September 8 |
Saturday-Thursday |
Late Registration, Add/Drop
(fees due 48 hours after registration) |
September 2 |
Friday |
Instructor Drop Deadline |
September 5 |
Monday |
Labor Day Holiday-Campus Closed,
No Classes |
September 8 |
Thursday |
Credit/No Credit and Audit Grading Deadline |
September 8 |
Thursday |
Last Day to Drop from FT to PT
Status with Refund |
September 15 |
Thursday |
Fall 2016 Graduation Application Deadline
(with late fee) |
September 19 |
Monday |
Drop Without Record of
Enrollment Deadline |
September 19 |
Monday |
Student Census |
September 20-November 10 |
Tuesday-Thursday |
Serious and Compelling Reason
Required to Drop/Withdraw |
September 22 |
Thursday |
Fall Convocation |
October 3 |
Monday |
Spring 2017 Graduation
Application Deadline |
October 17-January 20 |
Monday-Friday |
Spring 2017 Registration |
October 20 |
Thursday |
The Great California ShakeOut at 10:20 am |
October 21 |
Friday |
Last Day for Pro-rata Refund of
Non-Resident Tuition and Tuition Fees |
October 24- January 2 |
Monday-Monday |
Winter 2017 Registration |
November 11 |
Friday |
Veterans Day Holiday-Campus Closed, No
Classes |
November 11-December 1 |
Friday-Thursday |
Serious Accident/Illness
Required to Drop/Withdraw |